The app is not working correctly, what can I do?

How annoying that the app is not working properly. What usually happened is that after e.g. a summer/Christmas break or prolonged non-use of the app GoodTravel, your phone put the app in sleep mode. Or your phone has had an update and settings/rights have changed. So it is important that you keep the app awake and use the app regularly. This is normally done by regularly checking your rides and declaring once a month, for this the app gives a reminder every month.

What is important now is that all the settings on your phone and the app are correct. Below is a checklist you can go through.

1. Your phone may not have automatically uploaded the latest version. You can see this if you click on the MENU in the app, where you can see which version it is on the bottom right, version 1.10.0 is the latest version.

2. Check whether the trip registration is active in the app; it is at ‘Overview’ at the top of the bar, ‘Location button/tracker’ (DRUPPEL FORM) at the top of the bar this turns GREEN if it is on.

3. Check that the device settings are set correctly. You can check the settings for each type of phone here;

4. Check if you have an internet connection - if you have started recording your ride but your data connection is lost, the ride will be updated later once you are connected again. So in such situations, wait a while to see if there really is a problem.

5. Check that the ‘tracker settings’ section is set correctly. go to MENU-TRACKER SETTINGS

6. Check if your Permissions for the app are set correctly in your phone.


- Location permission must always be on for GoodTravel to work.

- Movement and fitness must be set to allow for determining the type of transport you use.

- You need to enable your mobile phone's internet data service to ensure the app is active while you are not connected to WiFi.


- Location permission must always be on for GoodTravel to work.

- Physical activity must be set to allow to determine the type of transport.

- You need to enable your mobile phone's internet data service to ensure the app works while you are not connected to WiFi.

Permissions (or app permissions) can be found by searching for the word ‘app’ in settings.

If a trip fails to register once, this could be an isolated error due to the GPS signal. This trip is easy to add manually how to do that read here.

In connection with the AVG rules and agreements with your employer, you are responsible for checking and declaring the trips on a monthly basis. In the beginning, it's a good idea to check whether all journeys go well each day and to prepare them for declaration immediately. And by checking and declaring every month, the app also stays active how to do this can be read here.  It is up to your company's HR whether they pay out retrospectively, they normally give a monthly payment.

We hope the app works now, and if not we'd love to hear from you.